“Fire Worms From Outer Space!” was a game I wrote in spring 2009 as my final project for PH115 Science of Multimedia at MVCC.
It was written in Macromedia Adobe Director, and designed as “with the structure of a shoot-em-up and the mechanics of a physics game”; you must defeat the enemies in each of a series of levels — by smashing apart their chains-of-spheresical bodies with your wrecking ball of an inexplicably orbiting asteroid.
Most of the development time was focused on getting the physics right; the graphics, sounds, and level design were all secondary.
(I'm not particularly a fan of Director; it's just what was used in the class. If I ever get around to it, I'll rewrite it in JavaScript.)
The Director file, plain-text copies of the scripts, and all of my saved development history (reconstructed; it was originally a bunch of directory copies) are available in a Git repository published at GitHub. (Backup mirror coming someday.)
Other than the background image, credited in game and in “Title Page” to NASA, all elements of the game are Copyright 2009 Kevin Reid. I haven't gotten around to sticking a license on it; contact me and I'll get around to labeling it MIT or CC — let me know what license would be useful for what you'd like to do with it.