Menu Bar Reference
Note: Only those items which are not present in every Mac application will be described here, to reduce clutter.
- New Connection (Cmd-N)
- Creates a new connection document.
- New Text Document
- Creates a new text document.
- Open Library (Cmd-Shift-O)
- Opens the Library window.
- Scroll Lock (Cmd-dash)
- For output areas, prevents them from scrolling to the bottom when new output appears.
- Clear Scrollback
- For output areas, removes all output.
- Shift Left (Cmd-[)
- Removes one space from the left edge of the currently selected text lines.
- Shift Right (Cmd-])>
- Adds one space to the left edge of the currently selected text lines.
- Show Control Characters (Cmd-^)>
- Displays control characters (ASCII/Unicode 0-31) visibly.
The title of this menu ought to be changed. It contains items which are related to connection documents, but that's an awkward name for a menu. Suggestions welcome.
- Document Settings (Cmd-;)
- Opens a connection document's settings window.
- New Terminal (Cmd-Shift-N)
- Creates a new text terminal window for the document.
- Server's Web Site
- Opens the server's information web page (if available) in your web browser.
- Server's Help Page
- Opens the server's help web page (if available) in your web browser.
- Prepare Connection (Cmd-Shift-K)
- Creates a filter chain for this terminal window, without opening the connection.
- Open Connection (Cmd-K)
- Creates a filter chain if necessary, and attempts to connect to the server.
- Close Connection (Cmd-Shift-L)
- Disconnects from the server.
- Logout (Cmd-L)
- Runs your logout script, if applicable.
- Unlink Terminal (Cmd-Shift-W)
- Disconnects the window from its filter chain.
- Inspector (Cmd-Shift-I)
- Lets you view the filter chain using a filter inspector window.
- Ping
- Verifies that the server is functioning, if possible.
- Open Link Trace Console
- Opens the Link Trace Console! window.
- Reset Prompt
- Resets the output window's prompt information, in case it has become confused.
- Disable Key Macros
- Allows the keys specified as keyboard macros in the connection document's settings to perform their normal function.
- Disable Sound
- Prevents any sound (except for speech) from being produced by commands from the server or triggers.
- Disable Speech
- Prevents any speech from being produced by commands from the server or triggers.
- Save Preferences
- Saves the MudWalker application's preferences to disk immediately. Only useful if you are either going to run a second copy of MudWalker simultaneously or if you expect it to crash (e.g. a suspicious plugin).
- ...
- Plugins may add further items to this menu.
- MudWalker License
- Opens a window displaying the license under which MudWalker and its source code are distributed.
- Server's Web Site
- Server's Help Page
- See the description of these items for the Terminal menu.