Menu Bar Reference

Note: Only those items which are not present in every Mac application will be described here, to reduce clutter.


New Connection (Cmd-N)
Creates a new connection document.
New Text Document
Creates a new text document.
Open Library (Cmd-Shift-O)
Opens the Library window.


Scroll Lock (Cmd-dash)
For output areas, prevents them from scrolling to the bottom when new output appears.
Clear Scrollback
For output areas, removes all output.


Shift Left (Cmd-[)
Removes one space from the left edge of the currently selected text lines.
Shift Right (Cmd-])>
Adds one space to the left edge of the currently selected text lines.
Show Control Characters (Cmd-^)>
Displays control characters (ASCII/Unicode 0-31) visibly.


The title of this menu ought to be changed. It contains items which are related to connection documents, but that's an awkward name for a menu. Suggestions welcome.

Document Settings (Cmd-;)
Opens a connection document's settings window.
New Terminal (Cmd-Shift-N)
Creates a new text terminal window for the document.
Server's Web Site
Opens the server's information web page (if available) in your web browser.
Server's Help Page
Opens the server's help web page (if available) in your web browser.


Prepare Connection (Cmd-Shift-K)
Creates a filter chain for this terminal window, without opening the connection.
Open Connection (Cmd-K)
Creates a filter chain if necessary, and attempts to connect to the server.
Close Connection (Cmd-Shift-L)
Disconnects from the server.
Logout (Cmd-L)
Runs your logout script, if applicable.
Unlink Terminal (Cmd-Shift-W)
Disconnects the window from its filter chain.
Inspector (Cmd-Shift-I)
Lets you view the filter chain using a filter inspector window.
Verifies that the server is functioning, if possible.


Open Link Trace Console
Opens the Link Trace Console! window.
Reset Prompt
Resets the output window's prompt information, in case it has become confused.
Disable Key Macros
Allows the keys specified as keyboard macros in the connection document's settings to perform their normal function.
Disable Sound
Prevents any sound (except for speech) from being produced by commands from the server or triggers.
Disable Speech
Prevents any speech from being produced by commands from the server or triggers.
Save Preferences
Saves the MudWalker application's preferences to disk immediately. Only useful if you are either going to run a second copy of MudWalker simultaneously or if you expect it to crash (e.g. a suspicious plugin).
Plugins may add further items to this menu.


MudWalker License
Opens a window displaying the license under which MudWalker and its source code are distributed.
Server's Web Site
Server's Help Page
See the description of these items for the Terminal menu.