; Copyright 2005-2008 Kevin Reid, under the terms of the MIT X license ; found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html ................ (in-package :e.elib) (defmacro with-ref-transition-invariants ((ref-sym) &body body) "For a particular ref, which may be altered by 'change-class' or other means within the 'body', verify that only expected reference state transitions occur, signaling an (XXX vat-killing) error if, for example, a resolved far reference changes its identity, or a broken reference becomes unbroken. This macro is intended for implementation verification, not normal runtime use, and as such may have no effect at all." ; XXX add thorough checks (declare (ignore ref-sym)) `(progn ,@body)) ;; Not actually Ref-related, but used in this file. (defmacro with-text-writer-to-string ((var) &body body &aux (stream-var (gensym))) `(with-output-to-string (,stream-var) (let ((,var (make-text-writer-to-cl-stream ,stream-var :autoflush nil) )) ,@body))) ;;; --- Ref protocol --- (defgeneric e-call-dispatch (rec mverb &rest args) (:documentation "Main dispatch function for E calls and other call-like operations. Shortens REC if needed. MVERB must be either a mangled verb as in E.UTIL:MANGLE-VERB, or a non-keyword symbol that is a magic verb (such as AUDITED-BY-MAGIC-VERB); if a mangled verb, its arity must be equal to the number of ARGS. A non-mangled-verb keyword symbol is erroneous. Implementations must REF-SHORTEN the ARGS if they want shortened arguments, and not expose non-keyword mverbs to untrusted code. XXX This list of requirements is probably not complete.") (declare (optimize (speed 3)))) ;; for optimization #+sbcl (defvar *sbcl-dispatch-result-derivers* nil) #+sbcl (defun sbcl-derive-dispatch-result (call) (some (lambda (f) (funcall f call)) *sbcl-dispatch-result-derivers*)) #+sbcl (sb-c:defknown e-call-dispatch (t t &rest t) t (sb-c:any) :derive-type #'sbcl-derive-dispatch-result) (defgeneric e-call-match (fail rec mverb &rest args) (:documentation "The last method of E-CALL-DISPATCH calls this method with the same arguments, if MVERB is not a Miranda method. This is used for implementing 'matchers'/inheritance.") (declare (optimize (speed 3)))) (defgeneric e-send-dispatch (rec mverb &rest args) (:documentation "Used only for REFs' various behaviors on sends; should not be specialized for non-REFs.") (declare (optimize (speed 3)))) (defgeneric e-send-only-dispatch (rec mverb &rest args) (:documentation "Used only for REFs' various behaviors on sends; should not be specialized for non-REFs. This is the no-return-value form, and always returns nil.") (declare (optimize (speed 3)))) (defgeneric same-hash-dispatch (a)) (defgeneric opt-same-dispatch (left right) (:documentation "e-boolean or nil; nil indicates no definition") (:method ((left t) (right t)) nil)) (defmacro def-atomic-sameness (type eq-func-form hash-func-form &aux (left (gensym)) (right (gensym))) `(progn (defmethod opt-same-dispatch ((,left ,type) (,right ,type)) (as-e-boolean (,eq-func-form ,left ,right))) (defmethod opt-same-dispatch ((,left ,type) (,right t)) +e-false+) (defmethod opt-same-dispatch ((,left t) (,right ,type)) +e-false+) (defmethod same-hash-dispatch ((,left ,type)) (,hash-func-form ,left)))) ;; XXX move implementation to elib-guts? inline? (declaim (ftype (function (t t) boolean) approvedp)) (defun approvedp (auditor specimen) ;; AUDITED-BY-MAGIC-VERB's argument is guaranteed to be shortened. XXX document this somewhere where implementors of AUDITED-BY-MAGIC-VERB will notice "Whether SPECIMEN has been approved by AUDITOR, as a CL boolean. AUDITOR and SPECIMEN will be shortened. AUDITOR must be near." (setf specimen (ref-shorten specimen)) (setf auditor (ref-shorten auditor)) (assert (eql (ref-state auditor) 'near)) ;; XXX better way to write this? (and (eql (ref-state specimen) 'near) ;; XXX is E auditing potentially applicable to non-near refs? (e-call-dispatch specimen 'audited-by-magic-verb auditor) t)) (declaim (ftype (function (t (or string symbol character) (or list vector)) t) e-call e-send)) (defun e-call (rec verb args) (declare (string verb) (type (or list vector) args)) (apply #'e-call-dispatch rec (mangle-verb verb (length args)) (coerce args 'list))) (defun e-send (rec verb args) (declare (string verb) (type (or list vector) args)) (apply #'e-send-dispatch rec (mangle-verb verb (length args)) (coerce args 'list))) (defmacro e. (rec-form verb-des &rest args-forms) `(e-call-dispatch ,rec-form ,(mangle-verb (string verb-des) (length args-forms)) ,@args-forms)) (defmacro e<- (rec-form verb-des &rest args-forms) `(e-send-dispatch ,rec-form ,(mangle-verb (string verb-des) (length args-forms)) ,@args-forms)) (defgeneric %ref-shorten (ref) (:documentation "Implementation of reference shortening. Usage should call REF-SHORTEN instead, which optimizes common cases.")) ;; REF-SHORTEN is defined *later* so that sbcl may "open-code test of type REF". This is here to declare the existence of the function. (declaim (ftype (function (t) t) ref-shorten)) (defgeneric ref-state (ref) (:documentation "Returns 'near, (values 'eventual is-resolved), or (values 'broken problem)")) (declaim (inline ref-opt-problem)) (defun ref-opt-problem (ref) ; XXX move this out of the protocol section "ref-state wrapper: returns the reference's problem iff the reference is broken." (multiple-value-bind (state tag) (ref-state ref) (when (eq state 'broken) (assert tag () "The ref ~S is broken but returned nil for its problem.") tag))) (declaim (inline ref-is-resolved) (ftype (function (t) (member t nil)) ref-is-resolved)) (defun ref-is-resolved (ref) ; XXX move this out of the protocol section "ref-state wrapper: returns whether the reference is resolved." (multiple-value-bind (state tag) (ref-state ref) (if (eq state 'eventual) tag t))) (defgeneric ref-opt-sealed-dispatch (ref brand) (:documentation "Provides access to the implementation of eventual references, and equivalent to __optSealedDispatch/1 on near references.") (:method ((near t) brand) (e-call-dispatch near :|__optSealedDispatch/1| brand))) (define-condition message-condition (condition) ((recipient :initarg :recipient :initform (error "no recipient") :reader message-condition-recipient) (mverb :initarg :mverb :initform (error "no mverb") :reader message-condition-mverb) (args :initarg :args :initform (error "no args") :reader message-condition-args))) (define-condition synchronous-call-error (error message-condition) () (:documentation "Indicates an attempt to synchronously call an EVENTUAL ref (i.e. a promise or remote reference).") (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "not synchronously callable: ~A.~A(~{~A~^, ~})" (e-quote (message-condition-recipient condition)) (unmangle-verb (message-condition-mverb condition)) (map 'list #'e-quote (message-condition-args condition)))))) (define-condition no-such-method-error (error message-condition) () (:documentation "The recipient was called with a verb it does not have a method for.") (:report (lambda (condition stream) ;; xxx should report the args, since they're available (format stream "no such method: ~A#~A" (e-coerce (e. (e. (message-condition-recipient condition) |__getAllegedType|) |getFQName|) 'string) (message-condition-mverb condition))))) (declaim (ftype function no-such-method)) ; defined later (define-condition vicious-cycle-error (error) () (:documentation "Indicates that a promise resolved to itself.") (:report "Ref loop")) (define-condition settling-error (error) ()) (define-condition insufficiently-settled-error (settling-error) ((values :initarg :values :reader insufficiently-settled-error-values :type list)) (:documentation "Indicates an attempt to compare two references which have not yet settled sufficiently to be certain of their identity. The 'values slot contains a list of the unsettled references.") (:report (lambda (condition stream &aux (values (insufficiently-settled-error-values condition))) (if (= 2 (length values)) (format stream "not sufficiently settled: ~A == ~A" (e-quote (first values)) (e-quote (second values))) (format stream "not sufficiently settled: ~A" (with-text-writer-to-string (tw) (e. (coerce values 'vector) |printOn| "" ", " "" tw))))))) (define-condition not-settled-error (settling-error) ((name :initarg :name :type string :reader not-settled-error-name) (value :initarg :value :reader not-settled-error-value)) (:documentation "Indicates an attempt to use an unsettled reference where a settled one is required, e.g. as a map key or Far-ref identity. The 'name slot gives a label for the value which was not settled, such as the name of the parameter. The 'value slot gives the actual unsettled reference.") (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "not settled: ~A ~A" (not-settled-error-name condition) (e-quote (not-settled-error-value condition)))))) ; --- defining some vat pieces early so that vat-checking does not come after local-resolver which subclasses it, which ABCL doesn't like --- (defvar *vat* nil) (defclass vat-checking () ((vat-checking-expected-vat :type vat :accessor vat-checking-expected-vat)) (:documentation "Remembers the current vat and checks that it is correct upon later opportunities (currently e-call-dispatch). Should not be relied upon, as it may be made a noop in an optimized mode. If there is no current vat at initialization time, captures the current vat at the next check time, so that vat-checking instances may be used during pre-vat-creation setup code.")) (defmethod shared-initialize ((this vat-checking) slot-names &key &allow-other-keys) (when *vat* (setf (vat-checking-expected-vat this) *vat*)) (call-next-method)) (defmethod e-call-dispatch :before ((rec vat-checking) mverb &rest args) (with-accessors ((expected-vat vat-checking-expected-vat)) rec (if (slot-boundp rec 'vat-checking-expected-vat) (assert (eq *vat* expected-vat) () "~S, which belongs to vat ~S, was called (~S ~S) from vat ~S." rec expected-vat mverb args *vat*) (when *vat* (setf expected-vat *vat*))))) ; --- Ref implementation --- (defclass ref () ()) (defmethod %ref-shorten ((x t)) ; NOTE: this is also implemented in REF-SHORTEN x) (defmethod ref-state ((x t)) (declare (ignore x)) 'near) (macrolet ((defunimplemented (symbol (&rest other-args)) `(defmethod ,symbol ((x ref) ,@other-args) (declare (ignore ,@(set-difference other-args lambda-list-keywords))) (error "~S not implemented for ~W" ',symbol (type-of x))))) (defunimplemented %ref-shorten ()) (defunimplemented ref-state ()) (defunimplemented ref-opt-sealed-dispatch (brand)) (defunimplemented e-call-dispatch (mverb &rest args)) (defunimplemented e-send-dispatch (mverb &rest args))) (defmethod print-object ((ref ref) stream) (let ((state (ref-state ref)) (*print-circle* t)) ; !! (ccase state ((eventual) (print-unreadable-object (ref stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "Eventual"))) ((broken) ; XXX multiple-value-bind the state (print-unreadable-object (ref stream :type t) (format stream "broken by ~A" (ref-opt-problem ref)))) ((near) (call-next-method))))) ; XXX declare this inline (defun make-unconnected-ref (problem) (make-instance 'unconnected-ref :problem problem)) ; XXX should weakly reference buffer (defclass promise-ref (ref) ((buffer :initform (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t) :type (array list) :documentation "Messages are pushed on the end of this vector." :reader promise-ref-buffer) (weak-when-more-resolved :initform (make-weak-hash-table :weakness :key :test #'eq) :type hash-table :documentation "Stores weak when-more-resolved messages for reference shortening." :reader %weak-when-more-resolved-table) (log-id :initform (log-unique-id) :reader promise-ref-log-id))) (defmethod %ref-shorten ((ref promise-ref)) ref) (defmethod ref-state ((ref promise-ref)) (values 'eventual nil)) (defmethod ref-opt-sealed-dispatch ((ref promise-ref) brand) nil) (defmethod e-call-dispatch ((ref promise-ref) mverb &rest args) (error 'synchronous-call-error :recipient ref :mverb mverb :args args)) (declaim (inline e-send-promise-either)) (defun e-send-promise-either (opt-resolver ref mverb args) (let ((id (log-unique-id))) (log-event '("org.ref_send.log.SentIf" "org.ref_send.log.Sent" "org.ref_send.log.Event") `(("condition" . ,(promise-ref-log-id ref)) ("message" . ,id))) (vector-push-extend (list opt-resolver mverb args id) (promise-ref-buffer ref)))) (defmethod e-send-dispatch ((ref promise-ref) mverb &rest args) (multiple-value-bind (promise resolver) (make-promise) (e-send-promise-either resolver ref mverb args) promise)) (defmethod e-send-only-dispatch ((ref promise-ref) mverb &rest args) (e-send-promise-either nil ref mverb args) nil) (defgeneric weak-when-more-resolved (ref weak-reactor action)) (defmethod weak-when-more-resolved ((ref t) weak-reactor action) (declare (ignore weak-reactor action)) (values)) (defmethod weak-when-more-resolved ((ref ref) weak-reactor action) (declare (ignore weak-reactor action)) (error "weak-when-more-resolved unimplemented for ~S" ref)) (defmethod weak-when-more-resolved ((ref promise-ref) weak-reactor action) (setf (gethash weak-reactor (%weak-when-more-resolved-table ref)) action) (values)) ;;; --- broken-ref --- (defclass broken-ref (ref) ((problem :initarg :problem :type t :accessor %broken-ref-problem)) (:documentation "Abstract. Make a DISCONNECTED-REF or an UNCONNECTED-REF instead of this.")) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((this broken-ref) slot-names &key &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignore slot-names)) (when *compatible-catch-leakage* (e-coercef (%broken-ref-problem this) +the-exception-guard+))) (defmethod %ref-shorten ((x broken-ref)) x) (defmethod ref-state ((x broken-ref)) (values 'broken (%broken-ref-problem x))) (declaim (inline broken-ref-magic)) (defun broken-ref-magic (ref mverb args) (when (member mverb '(:|__whenMoreResolved/1| :|__whenBroken/1|)) (e-send-only-dispatch (first args) :|run/1| ref)) nil) (defmethod e-call-dispatch ((ref broken-ref) mverb &rest args) (broken-ref-magic ref mverb args) (error (ref-opt-problem ref))) (defmethod e-send-dispatch ((ref broken-ref) mverb &rest args) (broken-ref-magic ref mverb args) ref) (defmethod e-send-only-dispatch ((ref broken-ref) mverb &rest args) (broken-ref-magic ref mverb args) nil) (defmethod weak-when-more-resolved ((ref broken-ref) weak-reactor action) (declare (ignore weak-reactor action)) (values)) (defclass unconnected-ref (broken-ref) ()) (defmethod ref-opt-sealed-dispatch ((ref unconnected-ref) brand) nil) ;;; - promises - (defclass local-resolver (vat-checking) ((ref :initarg :ref :type (or null promise-ref) :accessor resolver-opt-promise))) (declaim (ftype (function () (values ref local-resolver)) make-promise)) (defun make-promise () ;; NOTE: %enqueue-in-vat depends on this being thread-safe. (let ((promise (make-instance 'promise-ref))) (values promise (make-instance 'local-resolver :ref promise)))) ;;;; --- near refs / vats --- ;;;; - forwarding-ref - (defclass forwarding-ref (ref) () (:documentation "Unconditionally forwards to another reference (existant or computed), whether a REF or not.")) (defclass resolved-ref (forwarding-ref) ((target :accessor resolved-ref-target)) (:documentation "Forwards to an existing reference.")) (defmethod weak-when-more-resolved ((ref forwarding-ref) weak-reactor action) (weak-when-more-resolved (slot-value ref 'target) weak-reactor action)) (defmethod ref-state ((ref forwarding-ref)) (ref-state (ref-shorten ref))) (defmethod ref-opt-sealed-dispatch ((ref forwarding-ref) brand) (ref-opt-sealed-dispatch (ref-shorten ref) brand)) (defmethod e-call-dispatch ((ref forwarding-ref) mverb &rest args) (apply #'e-call-dispatch (ref-shorten ref) mverb args)) (defmethod e-send-dispatch ((ref forwarding-ref) mverb &rest args) (apply #'e-send-dispatch (ref-shorten ref) mverb args)) (defmethod e-send-only-dispatch ((ref forwarding-ref) mverb &rest args) (apply #'e-send-only-dispatch (ref-shorten ref) mverb args)) ;;; - resolved-ref - (defmethod print-object ((ref resolved-ref) stream) (if *print-readably* (error 'print-not-readable :object ref) (progn (print-unreadable-object (ref stream :type t :identity t)) (format stream ":~W" (resolved-ref-target ref))))) (defmethod shared-initialize ((ref resolved-ref) slot-names &key (target nil target-supplied-p) &allow-other-keys) (assert target-supplied-p) (setf (resolved-ref-target ref) target) (call-next-method)) (defmethod (setf resolved-ref-target) :after (new-target (ref resolved-ref)) (weak-when-more-resolved new-target ref (lambda (ref) #+(or) (warn "got to resolved-ref shortener for ~S" ref) (ref-shorten ref)))) (defmethod %ref-shorten ((ref resolved-ref)) ; NOTE: this is also implemented in REF-SHORTEN (setf (resolved-ref-target ref) (ref-shorten (resolved-ref-target ref)))) ;;; --- SBCL-guts-specific optimization gimmicks --- #+(or) ;; this is disabled because it triggers a sbcl optimizer bug (introduced in, according to Nikodemus Siivola) now that our CL gen makes the FUNCTIONness of E object expressions visible; see thread from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.steel-bank.devel/9878 "Compiler hang, sbcl 1.0.8/.9". XXX reenable this when bug is fixed (sb-c:deftransform e-call-dispatch ((target mverb &rest args) (function t &rest t)) "optimize e-call to function call" (let ((arg-names (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym "E-CALL-ARG")) args))) `(lambda (target mverb ,@arg-names) (funcall target mverb ,@arg-names))))