; Copyright 2005-2008 Kevin Reid, under the terms of the MIT X license ; found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html ................ (in-package :e.rune) (defvar *parse-cache-name* nil) (defparameter *after-everything-hooks* '()) ;; XXX TODO: restore the load counting mechanism #+(or) (defun report-load-counts () (maphash #'(lambda (fqn times) (when (> times 1) (warn "note: ~A loaded ~A times" fqn times))) (e. e.knot::+default-fresh-emaker-loader+ |_getLoadCounts|))) #+(or) (pushnew 'report-load-counts *after-everything-hooks*) #+e.instrument.ref-shorten-uses (defun report-ref-shorten-uses () (let ((entries (maphash #'list e.elib::*instrument-ref-shorten-kinds*))) (mapcar #'(lambda (l) (destructuring-bind (key times) l (when (> times 0) (efuncall e.knot:+sys-trace+ (format nil "profiling: ~A shortened ~A times" key times))))) (sort entries #'< :key #'second)))) #+e.instrument.ref-shorten-uses (pushnew 'report-ref-shorten-uses *after-everything-hooks*) (defun global-exit (status) (check-type status (unsigned-byte 8)) (map 'nil #'funcall *after-everything-hooks*) #+sbcl (sb-ext:quit :unix-status status) #+ccl (ccl:quit status) #+clisp (ext:quit status) #+cmu (unix:unix-exit status) #+abcl (ext:quit :status status) #+allegro (excl:exit status :quiet t) (cl-user::quit)) (defvar *toplevel-documentation* (make-hash-table)) (defmacro define-toplevel (name lambda-list doc &body body) "Just like DEFUN but guaranteed to save the documentation, in *toplevel-documentation*." `(progn (setf (gethash ',name *toplevel-documentation*) ',doc) (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,doc ,@body))) (define-toplevel script-toplevel (args) (generic-toplevel "rune script toplevel" (lambda () (let* ((scope (make-io-scope :stdout *standard-output* :stderr *error-output*)) (Ref (eelt scope "Ref"))) (e. Ref |whenResolved| (efuncall (eelt scope "rune") (coerce args 'vector)) (e-lambda "org.erights.e.elang.interp.runeTerminator" () (:|run| (outcome &aux (opt-problem (e. Ref |optProblem| outcome))) (when opt-problem (format *error-output* "# problem: ~A" (e-quote (e-problem-unseal opt-problem)))) outcome))))))) (defun generic-toplevel (label starter) (declare (ignore label)) ;; XXX reestablish use? formerly vat label (with-turn (*vat* :label "generic-toplevel exit hook registration") (call-when-resolved (funcall starter) (efun (result) (return-from generic-toplevel result)))) (setf *vat* nil) ;; allow potential other-vats created by user code -- XXX this seems like The Wrong Solution but I don't know what isn't (top-loop)) (define-toplevel repl-toplevel (args) "Enter the Lisp-implemented E REPL." (assert (null args)) (generic-toplevel "rune repl toplevel" (system-symbol "REPL-START" "E.UPDOC" :e-on-cl.updoc))) (define-toplevel selftest-toplevel (args) "Run the tests for E-on-CL." (assert (zerop (length args))) (let ((*vat* nil) (*runner* nil)) ;; XXX kludge (time (asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op +the-asdf-system+))) (force-output) nil) (define-toplevel lisptest-toplevel (args) "Run those tests for E-on-CL which do not involve executing the E language." (assert (zerop (length args))) (let ((*vat* nil) (*runner* nil)) ;; XXX kludge (funcall (system-symbol "SYSTEM-TEST" :e.lisp-test :e-on-cl.lisp-test) nil +the-asdf-system+)) (force-output) nil) (define-toplevel updoc-toplevel (args) "Invoke the Lisp-implemented Updoc implementation, interpreting the arguments as Updoc file pathnames." (generic-toplevel "rune updoc toplevel" (lambda () (apply (system-symbol "UPDOC-RUNE-ENTRY" "E.UPDOC" :e-on-cl.updoc) args)))) (define-toplevel irc-repl-toplevel (args) "Start an IRC bot. The arguments are: *" (generic-toplevel "rune irc toplevel" (lambda () (apply (system-symbol "START-IRC-REPL" :e.irc-repl :e-on-cl.irc-repl) args) (make-promise)))) (define-toplevel translate-toplevel (args) "Parse the sole argument as E source and print the Common Lisp form it is compiled into." (assert (= 1 (length args))) (generic-toplevel "rune --translate toplevel" (lambda () (print (e.elang:get-translation (e.syntax:parse-to-kernel (first args)))) (fresh-line) (force-output) nil))) (define-toplevel stale-test-toplevel (args) (check-type args null) (let ((answer (stale))) (when answer (format *trace-output* "~&; Stale: ~A~%" answer)) ;; XXX shouldn't be using global-exit (global-exit (if answer 1 0)))) (define-toplevel lisp-toplevel (args) "Enter (or drop back to) the Lisp REPL, if possible." (declare (ignore args)) (throw 'lisp-toplevel nil)) (defvar *image-is-detached*) (setf (documentation '*image-is-detached* 'variable) "Indicates, if bound, whether the current Lisp image is intended to be an independent packaged E-on-CL system (T), or is a caching of loaded source files (NIL).") (define-toplevel save-toplevel (args) "Generate an image file of the Lisp implementation with E-on-CL loaded. If supported, it will be executable. Under CLISP, the first argument to the resulting executable must be \"--\" for correct argument processing. The sole argument is the name of the image file to create." (assert (= 2 (length args))) ;; will be options later, regarding how much to include (let ((executable-file (native-pathname (first args))) (secondary-file (native-pathname (second args))) (executable-p t) #| XXX todo: (may-enter-debugger t) |#) (save-flush) (setf *image-is-detached* nil) #.(locally (declare #+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:code-deletion-note)) (or #+sbcl (quote (progn (with-open-file (script-out executable-file :direction :output) (format script-out "#!/bin/sh~%~ exec ~S --noinform --end-runtime-options \"$@\"~%" (native-namestring (merge-pathnames secondary-file)))) ;; XXX replace the below with sb-posix:chmod and a proper mode computation (run-program "chmod" (list "+x" (native-namestring (merge-pathnames executable-file))) :wait t :search t) (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die secondary-file :executable executable-p :toplevel #'%revive-start))) #+cmu (quote (ext:save-lisp executable-file :purify t :init-function #'%revive-start :load-init-file nil :site-init nil :batch-mode nil :print-herald nil :process-command-line nil :executable executable-p)) #+openmcl (quote ;; reference: http://www.clozure.com/pipermail/openmcl-devel/2003-May/001062.html (ccl:save-application executable-file :toplevel-function #'%revive-start :prepend-kernel executable-p)) #+clisp (quote (ext:saveinitmem executable-file :quiet t ; :norc t ; XXX is this appropriate? :init-function #'%revive-start :start-package (find-package :cl-user) :keep-global-handlers nil ; XXX is this appropriate? :executable executable-p)) '(error "Saving an executable/image is not supported for ~A." (lisp-implementation-type)))) ;; depending on the implementation (e.g. sbcl's save-lisp-and-die) we may ;; or may not reach here (global-exit 0))) #+sbcl (defvar *sbcl-home-transport*) (defun save-flush () (assert *vat*) (setf *parse-cache-name* nil) ;; make sure we've loaded everything lispy, in order to simplify the ;; stuff-changing-out-from-under-our-image problem (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :e-on-cl.updoc) #|XXX review what should go here|# ;; workaround for sbcl/asdf bugs as of unset SBCL_HOME causes FIND-SYSTEM to fail #+(and sbcl (or)) (progn (setf asdf:*system-definition-search-functions* (remove 'asdf::contrib-sysdef-search asdf:*system-definition-search-functions*)) (setf asdf:*central-registry* (remove 'asdf::contrib-sysdef-search asdf:*central-registry*)) :test #'equal) #+sbcl (setf *sbcl-home-transport* (sb-ext:posix-getenv "SBCL_HOME")) ;; XXX why is this a feature? why not an ordinary variable? (setf *features* (delete :e.saving-image *features*)) (e. (vat-safe-scope *vat*) |iterate| (efun (k s) (e. e.knot:+sys-trace+ |doing| (format nil "preloading ~A" k) (efun () (let ((v (e. s |get|))) (ignore-errors (e. v |__getAllegedType|))))))) (e.syntax::sub-save-flush) (values)) (defun revive-flush () #+sbcl (progn (sb-posix:putenv (format nil "SBCL_HOME=~A" *sbcl-home-transport*)) (makunbound '*sbcl-home-transport*)) #| XXX review what should go here - should we somehow arrange so that changes to an asdf system in our dependencies while we're running won't reload it? |# (values)) ;;; --- Staleness testing --- (defun deep-operation-done-p (operation component) (loop for (o . c) in (asdf::traverse operation component) always (asdf:operation-done-p o c))) (defun operation-used-p (operation component) (and (gethash (type-of operation) (asdf::component-operation-times component)) t)) (defun defined-systems () (map-from-hash 'list (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (cdr v)) asdf::*defined-systems*)) (defun file-incorporated (vat file time) (push (list file time) (incorporated-files vat))) (defun stale-files (vat) (some (lambda (record) (destructuring-bind (file time) record (when (/= time (e. file |_clFileWriteDate|)) record))) (incorporated-files vat))) (defun stale () (or (let ((op (make-instance 'asdf:load-op :original-initargs nil))) (not (every (lambda (system) (or (not (operation-used-p op system)) (deep-operation-done-p op system))) (defined-systems)))) (and *vat* (stale-files *vat*)))) ;;; --- End of staleness testing --- (defun %revive-start () (revive-flush) (apply #'rune-then-exit (or #+sbcl (rest sb-ext:*posix-argv*) #+clisp ext:*args* #+openmcl (rest ccl::*command-line-argument-list*) #+cmucl (rest ext:*command-line-strings*))) (break "Fell out of rune") (global-exit 255)) (defparameter *toplevels* '(("--updoc" updoc-toplevel) ("--selftest" selftest-toplevel) ("--lisptest" lisptest-toplevel) ("--translate" translate-toplevel) ("--lrepl" repl-toplevel) ("--irc" irc-repl-toplevel) ("--lisp" lisp-toplevel) ("--swank" swank-toplevel) ("--save" save-toplevel) ("--not-stale?" stale-test-toplevel))) (defun document-toplevels (stream data colon at) (declare (ignore colon at)) (destructuring-bind (option function) data (format stream "~: ~A Action-selecting option: ~A~%" option (gethash function *toplevel-documentation*)))) (defun rune (&rest args &aux (*break-on-signals* *break-on-signals*) (*break-on-ejections* *break-on-ejections*) (toplevel #'script-toplevel) parse-cache-name do-usage) "Does not return until the initial vat is shut down." (declare (optimize (debug 2) (safety 3))) (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-user))) (loop while args do (popping-equal-case args (("--help") (setf do-usage t)) (("--parse-cache" "-p") (setf parse-cache-name (native-pathname (pop args)))) (("--causality") (setf *causality-output* (open (native-pathname (pop args)) :direction :output :if-exists :rename)) (format *causality-output* "[~%") (push (lambda () (format *causality-output* "~&]") (close *causality-output*)) *after-everything-hooks*)) (("--bos" "--break-on-signals") (setf *break-on-signals* (read-from-string (pop args)))) (("--boe" "--break-on-ejections") (setf *break-on-ejections* (read-from-string (pop args)))) (("--resources" "-R") ;; we'll eventually want a way to specify a different (or no) compiled file location (push (make-list 2 :initial-element (e.extern:pathname-to-file (merge-pathnames (native-pathname (pop args))))) e.knot:*emaker-search-list*)) (otherwise (let ((tl (assoc (first args) *toplevels* :test #'equal))) (when tl (pop args) (setf toplevel (second tl)))) (loop-finish))))) (when do-usage (format *query-io* "~ Lisp-level options: --help Print this help. --parse-cache|-p Use to cache data that otherwise requires starting a Java process. --causality Write a causality tracelog to for debugging with Causeway. --break-on-signals|--bos Bind common-lisp:*break-on-signals* to the given value. --break-on-ejections|--boe Bind e.elib:*break-on-ejections* to the given value. --resources|-R Add a directory to search for emakers and resource files. ~{~/e.rune::document-toplevels/~} If no action-selecting option is given, the E rune() function is called with the remaining arguments. Now attempting to start rune to give further usage help... " *toplevels*) (push "--help" args)) (when parse-cache-name ; the setting of *parse-cache-name* is deferred so that global-exit will not save a parse cache not including the current contents of the file (e.syntax:load-parse-cache-file parse-cache-name) (setf *parse-cache-name* parse-cache-name)) (unless *vat* (establish-vat :label "initial")) (funcall toplevel args)) (defun save-specified-parse-cache () (when *parse-cache-name* (e.syntax:save-parse-cache-file *parse-cache-name*))) (pushnew 'save-specified-parse-cache *after-everything-hooks*) (defun rune-then-exit (&rest args) ;; XXX better exit status scheme (catch 'lisp-toplevel (global-exit (if (ref-opt-problem (apply #'rune args)) 255 0)))) ;; --- REPL tools --- (defpackage :e.user (:nicknames :e-user) (:use :cl :e.util :e.elib :e.elib.tables :e.knot :e.kernel :e.elang.node-impl :e.elang :e.syntax :e.compiler :e.extern :e.rune)) (defun read-e-literal (stream character arg) (declare (ignore character)) (check-type arg null) (e.syntax:e-source-to-tree (read stream t nil t))) (defglobal +e-readtable+ (let ((rt (copy-readtable nil))) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\E 'read-e-literal rt) rt)) (defun %in-e-user () (setf *package* (find-package :e.user) *readtable* +e-readtable+) (values)) (defmacro in-e-user () `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (%in-e-user))) (define-toplevel swank-toplevel (args) "Starts a swank-server for use with the SLIME Lisp IDE." (declare (ignore args)) (%in-e-user) (funcall (system-symbol "CREATE-SERVER" :swank :swank) :dont-close t :port nil) (loop (with-simple-restart (#:restart "Restart ~S" '(top-loop)) (top-loop))))